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St Luke's Catholic Academy

St Luke's

Catholic Academy

Pyenest Road, Harlow, Essex, CM19 4LU

Through God’s love we learn together, grow together and achieve together.

WOW!  What a busy and exciting week we have had in Year 6!

In our Topic lessons this week, we had the opportunity to dissect a pig's heart!!  Check out our Picture Gallery page for some photos.  It was such good fun!  We were able to identify the aorta, valves, left and right atriums, and left and right ventricles.  

In English, we began our Narrative Unit - starting with looking at story openings.  We discussed goo techniques to open a story and had a go at using these techniques ourselves.  We have continued reading Pig Heart Boy, too.

In maths, we have been consolidating our skills in short and long multiplication (including decimals) and we had a focus on looking at some problem-solving/reasoning questions.

Our Classroom worship focus this week was about 'Fishers of Men' which was linked to our Gospel Assembly on Monday (see above photo).