Welcome to our year 5 class page.
Class Teacher - Mrs McNaughton
LSA - Mrs O'Byrne
In year 5 we love to learn in a safe, practical and creative environment.
We have 3 main expectations which we follow to ensure we are working at our most productive:
- Try our best.
- Listen to others.
- Be respectful to those working in our class.
Our Topics:
- Into Africa - (History).
- Reach for the stars - (Science).
- A River's Tale - (Geography).
Key information:
Please hear your child reading at home for at least 10-15 minutes a day and record this in the Reading Diary. It is important that your child brings the Reading Diary in every day as we encourage them to talk to us about the reading they do at home as well as in class. Your child must have completed the book and have the Reading Diary signed with a note informing staff of completion, in order for their book to be changed. It is important to check your child’s understanding of what they are reading, especially as they begin to read longer and more complex books. This can be done through discussing the book with your child and through questioning them about specific aspects.
Each week, as a part of their home learning, children will be expected to learn a set of spellings which they will be quizzed on throughout the week. Spelling Quiz will be on Friday mornings. These spellings are based on the Year Five and Six National Curriculum Spelling List. Children should be encouraged to look for and learn spelling patterns in these words and other words.
Our PE lessons are on Monday and Wednesday. Children are expected to bring their full PE kits, which have their names on, to school at the beginning of the term and leave them there until half term. Please ensure that your child has the correct indoor and outdoor kit, as the weather gets colder and wetter children will need to be dressed appropriately as they will be in their kits all day. Earrings must be taken out before PE lessons.
Home Learning
Please encourage your child to complete each week one activity from our Home Learning menu on Teams. These can be sent via Teams or brought in if a model or project to show. Abacus tasks will be allocated each Friday with a week time for completion. A paper copy can also be found in the children's reading diaries.
If you would like an appointment to discuss your child, we can arrange a telephone conversation or a meeting after school.
Walking home
*** Children in year 5 will not be able to walk home alone until the summer term. The following will then be applicable:
If your child has permission to walk home on their own at the end of the school day it is essential that you provide written consent, which should be handed directly to the class teacher. Children without written consent will not be given permission to walk home on their own.
I look forward to having a healthy and happy year.
Best Wishes,
All in Year 5